What can I configure?
You can configure an instance of reveal using the huge amount of customization options it has to offer, as follows:
animation: 'opacity 0', // Default animation
animate: "TweenLite", // Animator Class
// Default delays
startDelay: 600,
endDelay: 0,
edge: [100, 100], // Screen edge offset
// Responsive screen sizes
screen: {
xs: 0,
sm: 768,
md: 992,
lg: 1200,
xl: 1560
loop: false, // Loop animations
repeat: false, // Repeat animations
visibility: false, // Affect CSS visibility
preload: true, // Refresh size and position on image load
callback: false, // Animation callback
// Perspective settings
perspective: 800,
perspectiveOrigin: "50% 50%",
// Scrolling orientation
orientation: 'vertical',
// Advanced container setup
container: $('body'),
scroller: $(window)
The initialization script above shows the default values for all of reveal’s parameters.
Let’s see what each option is and what happens when you change it.
Option | Description |
animation | Defines the default animation parameters. |
animate | Specifies GSAP animator class, allowing you to easily swap to TweenMax . |
startDelay | Starts the reveal animation after specified delay. |
endDelay | Starts the hide animation after specified delay. |
edge | Specifies top and bottom edge offsets to start showing elements only when they’re partly in view. |
preload | Specifies whether to preload images. Once loaded, image sizes will be refreshed. |
visibility | Affect CSS visibility when changing element visibility. |
callback | Specifies a callback for each animation. Example: function(event, element, state){} |
perspective | Specifies perspective for the parent reveal element. |
perspectiveOrigin | Specifies perspective origin for the parent reveal element. |
orientation | Specifies a vertical or horizontal scrolling orientation. |
container | Container element to use for scroll position references. |
scroller | Scroller element to use for scroll position references. |
screen | Specifies the responsive breakpoints for responsive animations. |
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